A downloadable game for Windows

Controls : 

- Left and Right arrow to move your character.

- Every arrow to move the ball in the minigame.

- click left on your mouse to grab an item on the shelves.

A desperate heartbroken man finds comfort in the shopping malls of the city. On his journey to fulfill his stress-shopping needs he has to be careful not to drop any of the fragile items he acquires.

Story : George was in the military when Anika, his girlfriend by the time, cheated on him with his best friend Roland. When he came back, he found them in his own bed. He was devastated. It was excruciating to see the love of his life ruining what they had built together.

George had barely put on his slippers that he left. He began to wander the streets of the city, hoping to find a solution. He saw a little light in the distance and thought : “Is it what you wanted for me, God ?”. At this precise moment, his old demons resurfaced. He arrived at a convenience store. The poor guy was drained and exhausted even walking was difficult.

When he entered, he rushed to the alcoholic beverages section. He chose many bottles, paid them, got out, sat and started to down bottles after bottles. He felt emptier than before. Even drinking was not helping. Even drunk, his heart was still broken.

Desperate and needing a new purpose in life, he stood up. He was wobbling a lot because of the excessive drinking. His wallet fell and spilled his money and his credit card. The drunk guy struggled a bit to catch them but he did succeed. Something written on his credit card had caught his attention, it was a bit smudged and he needed to frown a little to read it :

“Use me when you are sad XOXO”

Suddenly, after reading this he felt plain. A big light had shined in front of him, a shop was opening his doors, a big “black friday” neon lit up. He decided his new purpose would be spending all of his money in as many shops as possible.


Buyshock.zip 43 MB